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Monday, May 09, 2011

Pay Your BSNL Bills Through SMS

Standing in queue for utility bill payment is a big headache for most of us. It gets further aggravated ,if service gets disconnected due to non payment in time. Online payment of bills has come as boon but very limited number of people have access to this medium.

Mobile is the most ubiquitous device and is now in the hands of all and sundry. If we can pay the utility bills through a mobile SMS, it can’t get better than this.

BSNL has enabled its landline customers to pay their bills through a mobile SMS using ITZ cash card. Customers can pay their bills from anywhere even when they are not in city just by sending a SMS.

The solution is easy and all one need is a mobile connection and an Itz Cash Card and one has to just send a SMS to 57575 in proper format and all the jobs will be done by sending a single SMS.

The service is currently available for BSNL calcutta landline customers.

Procedure of Bill Payment

Send SMS in this format : CTPAY <space>< 8 digit Landline Number > <space><12 digit ITZ cash card Number><space>< 4 digit ITZ password>

Sample SMS : CTPAY 22361100 123456789012 1234

Send it to 57575

You will receive a confirmation SMS containing Transaction ID after successful transaction. Please make a note of the Transaction ID

You can take printout of transaction receipt from

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